15th International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2016

September 28-30, Vienna, Austria

Call for Papers

IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2016 (IFIP ICEC 2016)

September 28-30, 2016
Vienna, Austria



The IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing is the longest lasting scientific conference series in the area of Entertainment Computing. It brings together practitioners, researchers, artists working on the design, creation, development, use, application and evaluation of digital content and systems for inducing entertainment in respective consumers.

The conference series aims at presenting high quality scientific results spanning from theory to applications, use cases and experiments. We solicit paper, poster and demonstration submissions, as well as proposals for tutorials and workshops.


Please prepare paper submissions in the Springer LNCS format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0)

All submitted papers will undergo a thorough peer-review process by the ICEC 2016 program committee. Accepted papers will be published by Springer in their LNCS series. At least one author of accepted submissions has to register and present at ICEC 2016.

After the conference, a set of selected papers will be chosen to submit extended versions to a special issue of the journal Entertainment Computing (Elsevier).

Papers and abstracts should be submitted through the submission web site in PDF format. All materials will be reviewed and processed electronically. The information about the work and a contact author's email address, mailing address, and phone number must be submitted through the submission website by the deadline (see above). Submissions should not be anonymized for review. Any additional materials must also be received by the deadline.


We encourage submission of papers, posters, demos, tutorial and workshop proposals on all topics related to original research in digital entertainment, including but not limited to:

Digital Games and Interactive Entertainment

Design and Analysis

Interactive Art, Performance and Novel Interactions

Entertainment Devices, Platforms & Systems

Theoretical Foundations and Ethical Issues

Entertainment for Purpose & Persuasion

Computational Methodologies for Entertainment


Technical papers (long and short) are the main medium for presenting new research results to the community at ICEC. Submissions should describe novel unpublished work relating to one or more of the topics listed above. All technical papers will be published in the official Springer LNCS proceedings

Papers must be submitted in the Springer LNCS format (see above). Full Technical Paper submissions have a maximum of 12 pages in length and Short Technical Paper submissions have are maximum of 6 pages. Paper length should reflect the contribution and maturity of submission and reviewers from the ICEC 2016 program committee will be instructed to judge the contribution of a paper relative to its length. For example, typical contributions presenting significant research advances/results should be around 8-12 pages in length (Full Technical Papers) while contributions presenting less-mature, on-going or more focused approaches/results should be around 5-6 pages in length (Short Technical Papers). Papers with exceeding length relative to their contribution will be rejected. Accepted papers will be divided into two categories, long presentations and short presentations. The committee may accept papers conditionally or for a different category. Authors may be asked to either shorten or lengthen their paper accordingly.


Posters provide an interactive forum in which authors can present work to conference attendees during special poster sessions. Posters provide an opportunity to describe new work or work that is still in progress. A poster submission is a maximum of 4 page in Springer LNCS format, describing the research problem, contribution, and value to ICEC attendees, submitted as a PDF file. All short poster papers will be included into the official Springer LNCS proceedings.

Posters will be displayed on cork boards during specific sessions. We expect to be able to accommodate posters of up to A0 (portrait format), so we suggest using that size or smaller. Additional details concerning the poster format display and interactive poster session will be made available following author notification.


Peer-reviewed demonstrations, installations and games show early implementations of novel, interesting, and important entertainment computing concepts, systems, installations or games, or can serve to showcase commercial products not previously described in the research literature. We particularly encourage demonstrations with which attendees can interact and play. A demonstration, installation or game submission consists of a document with max. four pages:

  1. an extended abstract that should be no more than three Springer-format pages in length,
  2. plus an extra page with a link to an online video and a list of a) technical requirements including electrical and connectivity needs and b) space requirements including display and footprint needs.
All demo papers will be offered for download from the ICEC 2016 web page, but will not be included into the conference proceedings.

By default, demos and games will have a table, chairs and internet connection available. By their nature, interactive installations are intended for larger, potentially public spaces. We will try to accommodate for the needs of these types of installations, but please include a minimal set-up so that we know the range of requirements that we will need to meet. Successful authors of demonstration/installation submissions will be contacted by the chair to confirm the availability of the requested resources. The abstract, digital video and requirements supplement must be submitted electronically.


Industry papers, posters, and demonstrations are intended to increase the knowledge transfer between academia and industry in entertainment computing. While regular contributions are mainly reviewed for their scientific novelty and contribution, industry papers should focus more on practical solutions and results that are of immediate interest to the industry or especially facilitate communication between industry and academia. Possible examples are (but are not limited to):

Industry contributions should follow the same guidelines as regular contributions in terms of layout, pages, additional material etc. (see above). We specifically invite industry members to consider submitting a poster or demo to present live working systems. If you work in the industry and would like to make a submission, but you are not used to working with scientific paper templates and publication procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.


We invite proposals for workshops that will be held in conjunction with ICEC 2016. We invite proposals in all areas of entertainment computing (see conference topics listed above) and particularly welcome proposals that will focus on and promote discussion on new and emerging trends. Workshop/Tutorial proposals should be four pages in length (in the Springer LNCS format) and must include the following information:

Contact information (name, affiliation, address, phone number/fax, and email) of the workshop/tutorial organizer(s); Relevant CV information of the workshop/tutorial leader(s); workshop/tutorial title; workshop/tutorial objective; Background/relevance of workshop/tutorial topic; Expected workshop/tutorial outcomes (publications, activities, "take-home" skills development, etc.); Expected number of participants; workshop/tutorial due dates (schedule of submission); and Sample material(s) for the workshop/tutorial to make a convincing case that would be interesting for ICEC attendees.

Workshops/Tutorials can be scheduled for either half a day or a full day (please indicate your choice) and will take place before the main ICEC conference. Please submit your workshop/tutorial proposal via the electronic conference system. Tutorials and workshops are free for ICEC attendees.


The Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. The strongest candidates will be those who have a clear idea and an area, and have made some progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer make changes. Also, as well as stating how you will gain from acceptance, both you and your advisor should be clear on what you can contribute to the Doctoral Consortium.

The Consortium will provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions. It will also offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.

Current graduate students pursuing a PhD project who would benefit from detailed workshop discussions of their doctoral research should submit a single PDF file consisting of a 4-page extended abstract of your thesis work in Springer LNCS format, clearly specifying the originality of the work with respect to current concepts and techniques, the importance of the work with respect to fundamental issues and themes in entertainment computing, results to date and their validity and contribution of the work (expected and/or achieved) to entertainment computing.

Candidates also must send his/her CV, the sponsor name and affiliation and one-paragraph statement of expected benefits of participation for both yourself and the other consortium participants (i.e., what will you contribute as well as gain).

Applications to participate should be sent to the consortium head Prof. Esteban Clua by email.